Beef Doggy HotPot
Just checking in with everybody and… making Doggy Friendly Beef Hotpot

Hey Kibble friends! Life is giving us a bit of a rough journey at the moment isn’t it and most of us are in lockdown as we attempt to ride out the Covid-19 pandemic.
I bet those pooches are loving every second of us being at home so much more and plenty of cuddles and long daily walks 😊
As we mentioned in our first blog post one of the areas, we will be covering in our blogs will be doggy friendly recipes. And todays dish of the day is the Doggy Beef Hotpot.
You will need:

At the moment I know many of us don’t have loads in the fridge and we want to keep our supermarket visits to a minimum. So, a simple recipe with 5 ingredients:
Apple x 1/2
Carrots x 1 large or 4/5 Chantilly
Potatoes x 2
Broccoli 2/3 florets
Minced Beef 300g
We then found some turmeric in the cupboard and with so many health benefits to our 4-legged friends we added a little teaspoon.

As well as being super simple for us dog pawrents here at Kibble Bakery health benefits are hugely important, so here’s a brief description of all those superfoods:
Beef – High quality protein source, helps support strong muscles and provides energy.
Carrots – Improve your dogs dental health, excellent source of Vit A and fibre.
Broccoli – High in fibre and Vit C which promotes strong bone density
Apple – excellent source of Vit A and Vit C, help keeps your dog’s teeth clean and freshens their breath.
Potatoes – Good source of Vit C and Iron. If I had some sweet potatoes, I would have used these in the dish instead as they promoted a healthy digestive system more so than ‘normal’ potatoes
Turmeric – A powerful anti-inflammatory helping to relieve pain and stiffness
Finally, if you want to add a little dairy free cheese you can sprinkle some grated cheese on the top of the potatoes before it goes in the oven 200c for 10 minutes until the cheese is brown and bubbly.
Max waiting patiently.

Of course, you have to wait until the dish is fully cooled before serving it to your pooch. Max LOVED it!
We are working on lots of new things in the weeks ahead. But, for now we have our YouTube channel where you can watch the short video of us making the Doggy Beef Hotpot,
Don’t forget to browse the rest of our website
Thank you to everyone that placed orders for our Easter Eggs! We hope your doggys enjoy our 100% Carob no other nasty additives, salts or sugars and of course they were personalised with your dog’s name for FREE!
We greatly appreciate any online sales at this time whilst our little coffee shop is closed.
Stay safe everyone, thinking of you all! Remember one day at a time!