Kibble Dog Spa Booking
This booking will secure your time slot for your pooches Personalised Dog Groom.
If you have not visited before your grooming consultant/treatment provider will call or text you to confirm all of this after your deposit is paid and initial time reservation is made, to ensure your allocated time slot is the correct amount of overall time for your dogs treatment and finalise the price.
Cancellations: There is no charge for cancellations if they are made more than 48 hours prior to appointment. Where there is less than 48 hours’ notice, it will be treated as a missed appointment (see below).
Re-Scheduling/Missed Appointments: Missed appointments are costly to our business and cause inconvenience to other customers who have to wait longer to have their pet groomed. You can reschedule a booking up to 24 hours’ before your currently booked appointment is set to take place. Please contact us by telephone and we will be happy to offer you another date.
Please note that if you miss your appointment without informing or cancel with less than 24 hours notice our deposit can/will not be refunded.